My Picks

Saturday, November 21, 2009


Overdue baby? No, well kind of. I had my baby 3 1/2 months ago but the blogging of it is waaaayyy overdue!! I have really neglected my blog for a while now and am trying to play catch up. The first thing I wanted to catch up on was my baby shower which was 5 months ago.... yeah you heard it right.... 5 months ago!! I told you I really am a slacker. Anyway, I am trying to do better so you will probably see more blogs to follow that are way outdated. Anyway, my shower was amazing! Pink and Brown everywhere!! As many of you know.... I finally got my girl after three amazing rugged, tough little boys and boy did I get spoiled! My shower had everything pink and brown from the food, to the gifts, and even to the clothing. Thanks Tiercy and Kelly... for a wonderful shower and thanks to everyone who came to support me in my girl venture! It has been so much fun so far!!

The Invitation!! So cute!

Tiercy's awesome diaper cake!! Thanks Tierc.

Kelly's custom made cake just for me!

Tiercy's yummy cake pops!!

Great friends and yummy food!!

Thanks guys for a great shower! Everything was amazing from the food to the gifts, to the visiting! PINK RULES!!


Tiercy said...

That was such a fun shower! I loved the pink and brown too!! Thanks for letting me revisit it with you.

Boys drool, girls rule!!!

Kelly said...

It was a blast and YOU deserved it! I love you and so glad you finally have your precious little girl! Woo Woo!

Angela said...

Thanks guys!! I loved it! Can we do it again sometime minus the baby and shower? So I guess that means friends,food, and visiting. My baby portal is closed indefinitely.

Paige said...

Angie...I didn't know you had a blog. I love it. You can come to my blog anytime. I miss you!

Wrays said...

Ya gotta Love Pink that is the only sex we have figuered out how to make so far!! I am so happy for you girls are the best! Any boy that ever comes into our mix of girls I feel bad for him! My sister has only girls too! Keep Blogging Its for sure the best way to keep up on everyone

One Blessed Chick said...

Looks like you had an awesome shower! How fun! Yay pink!