Okay so lately I have asked myself the question over and over again of why, now that I am 30, and well past the puberty stage, do I start to breakout like a teenager again after a good ten years of keeping my skin relatively clear. Thanks to Accutane (Not, just gave me my scars, and ruined my eyesight among other side effects).
So after spending a lot of money in the past few months on face wash after face wash, I decided to indulge myself by trying something new. Chemical peels. Chemical peels are intended to
get rid of aging spots, improve skin texture, reduce pore size, and tighten the skin among other amazing results.
I set my appointment with Alicia and she came and did a glycolic acid peel, no big deal. Turned out great. A couple weeks later, set up another appointment and Alicia says, " Let's try something stronger". I tell her I am game for anything that is going to help my skin and to be as aggressive as she feels necessary. Here goes nothin.
Aside from the feeling of my skin burning off, I am still excited to get rid of my bad skin. Besides how bad could it be? Right?
Well, the first day I was a little red, and the second day............. Well, this is how I felt and looked.
At this point, I am running scared because my skin was so tight from the chemical peel, that I couldn't smile and it was starting to wrinkle up. Then I notice, oh it is starting to peel so I think, like a mask peel, its going to peel off like after a sunburn turns to a tan right? So I go to peel a little bit off my forehead, and pretty much my whole dang forehead came off. Totally raw underneath and very painful.
At that point, I am thinking that I am doomed and my face will be like this forever and that I am going to have to start wearing an ugly bag over my head and go throughout life. I would probably just use one from our Scout skit or something. Desperate, I call Alicia's cell phone to tell her my horror story and get only her polite voicemail telling me,"I can't promise I will call you back, but you are welcome to leave a message." Of course I leave a message and hang up the phone.
I am too impatient at this point to wait for her to call me back, so I call a girl that used to work on my brothers skin and talked to her about the situation.
She told me that the skin had been peeled off prematurely and I would have to wait for it to tighten up again and dry out, but to let it peel on its own, in its own time. She told me I would reap great rewards for waiting it out for a few rough days.
So, will I go through this experience again, ABSOLUTELY. If it will clear up my skin, I will do anything, as torturous as it may be. Bring it on.
So, if Michele Pfiefer can go from this....
to this.......then there has got to be some hope for me right? In the meantime, please, as hard as it may be, refrain from asking me weird questions such as: Oh, are you the leper who never got healed, or what the @*$! happened to your face?
It's okay to laugh at me, just keep it inside. After all, I would probably laugh if it happened to someone else.
P.S. Michele, what is your secret?? Chemical peel or a Shooting Star's heart? Please be truthful.
Good Days and Bad Days
9 years ago
Oh sure! Make it look like it was all my doing! Go ahead and tell people it was all my fault. "Well, I let a friend of mine touch my face and she put acid on it!" "Nice huh? You wanna touch it?" [big grin]
By the way, I believe I did a four layer lactic on you the first time.
Oh sorry, forget glycolic. And just for the record, it was not Alisha's fault, it was mine for prematurely thinking that the banana was ripe enough to be peeled.
P.S. Alisha, I like the torturing. Again, just for the record, it was not Alisha's fault.
Wow, that who needs torture with a story like this. Let's see if those MEN prisoners at Gitmo can handle it!
I am a little confused, whose fault is it? hah
Tiercy, I think it was a little bit both our faults. After all, she did put the acid on my face. LOL.
P.S. Men are wimps. The Lord gave us a choice of who wanted to have babies and who wanted to carry the priesthood, and then he told the men that they could pick first.
I say cut out some virgin's heart. I know my name would be off the list. No wait...I am a virgin! RUN!!!
I'm feeling mocked Kelly. Plus, you don't need to cut out my heart, I would give it to you if you asked. :)
(So long as the reason for your needing it is a good one.)
I'm glad to see you have recovered emotionally. That day you called me crying... you were so upset. I felt so awful. Or is that supposed to be a secret?
Crying? What I don't cry. Crying is for wusses. That must have been a dream.
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