My Picks

Monday, December 1, 2008

Hula Hula zzzzzzzz...........

So the other day, My little Trey (hey I just I so cool?) Anyhoo, he was in the family room playing and usually when it gets really quiet......I expect mischief but to my surprise... I came in to find this........
He had fallen asleep inside the Hula Hoop! At first I thought he was playing because his new thing is pretending to be asleep. So I quietly snuck up on him to see if he would giggle and I heard deep breathing and possibly some small snores instead. Isn't he so cute? I love my baby! Okay so he's technically not a baby anymore as he will be 3 on Saturday.... 3 I say! HOLY COW! Where did those years go? I guess when the "baby" is using the "But I'm the baby" card, he isn't really a baby. Is it time for another? Maybe.....

I love you Trey!!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

The Final Product!!

Sorry I have been a little behind on the blogging. This is way overdue but I wanted to post the final and finished costumes of my babies on Halloween! Although we forgot the furry gloves!
Hope you Enjoy!!

Sunday, November 16, 2008


You know those times when you are going through life, everything seems to be going pretty good, and then BAM, you get thrown a curve ball, (and not the ball thrown at me in a past blog post i posted where I swore at a church game!) Well, that was us recently and that would be why the blog has been neglected as of late!!

Let me start from the beginning. A few months ago, Maysen (my oldest) had a retainer device put into his mouth to move his back molar back and twist it around because it came in the wrong direction. Well, he tends to have a lot of anxiety about the Dentist (I have no idea where he got that from, cause I NEVER freak out when I have to go the dentist). Anyway, he threw kind of a tantrum because of the glue to put the retainer in, and he thought it was going to hurt. Well, because of his tantrum, he got glue on his tongue.

So now here we are three months later, and two days before Halloween, Maysen comes into me and says, "Mom, look what the glue did to my tongue!" He proceeded to show me his tongue and my heart immediately dropped into my stomach!! What I saw, did not look like the cause of some harmless glue from his retainer and it had not been there two weeks prior when I put a pill for him to swallow on the back of his tongue. This is what I saw:

It must have grown under his tongue and then finally broke through the top of his tongue because his tongue was split open and this was protruding out from it.

Immediately the next morning, I had him into the doctors office and having worked in the medical field for so long, you tend to be able to read the faces of doctors a little more. When he showed the doctor his tongue, I could see the concern and possibly a small gulp.

The doctor immediately performed blood work and his awesome MA got on the phone to get us into a specialist and was able to amazingly get us fit in at Primary Children's in two days!! What a great MA!!

We decided to stay at Brad's parents the night before because his appointment was really early in the morning and they live closer, and we would be able to leave our other kids asleep. On the way to their house, we of course, can't do anything without having other things fall apart around us. We had a blowout on the car. Great!!

The next day, which just happened to also be Halloween, we were up at a Pediatric ENT's office at Primary Children's getting his tongue assessed. The ENT got the exact same concerned look on his face and again, possibly a small gulp.

They sent us over for a CT scan because of a small lump which they thought they also found in his neck, but that just turned out to be a swollen lymph node. They did find some thickening of the throat which the doctor says may or may not be something depending on what we find.

Maysen was scheduled for surgery for the following Monday (three days later) and it was a necessity to get the retainer out for that. We tracked down a dentist to remove his retainer, and he too got that same look on his face.

At this point, I am obviously imagining the worst as any parent would probably do.

So Monday comes and we take him in to have the mass, or lesion, or tumor, which it had been called all three terms, removed.

His surgery went well and now it was just the waiting game of whether the biopsies came back with cancer or not. We had gotten the car fixed by this point with all different tires put on and were on our way home from the hospital when..... yip.... you guessed it... another blow out. Thats just how we roll around our household!

The doctor assured us that the results would take 24 to 48 hours. Those hours were long and when I called up at 48 hours and they said no results yet, I was anxious. I called again at 72 hours, still no results. Again, the next day, still no results.

By Friday, I was ready to be admitted into the insane asylum and was going crazy. I decided to give it one last shot and call up there again. The nurse said,"I'm sorry, still no results."

By now, I am pretty much ready to go postal on someone at this point and told her she better call down to pathology and find out what is going on, or I will.

She called down there and called me back within five minutes and tells me that they had to order special stains to read the tissue. I'm thinking, what does that mean? Does that mean, they found something but want to be sure or what? She then tells me they won't have results until the following Monday. (A week after the surgery was performed).

Holy Cow!! I swear a week is supposed to go by way quicker than that!! Monday night, I finally receive a call from the doctor, hoping for good news but as prepared as I could be to receive the bad news and he tells me the following:

Hi this is Dr. G. I am so sorry that it has taken so long to get the biopsy results to you. I do want to let you know that there was no cancer found in your child's biopsy. We did however find in the tissue removed, a foreign object that was too hard to see what it was under the microscope but somehow a foreign object got inside of his tongue and was trying work its way out.

Its kind of the same reaction as an ingrown toenail trying to work itself out. It had caused it to become this huge protrusion, tumor, mass, lesion, whatever you want to call it.

The only thing we can figure is that, when he threw the tantrum while getting the retainer put in, maybe he did get cut on the tongue and maybe it was glue or something else that got inside his tongue and then healed. Then, three and a half months later, was trying to work its way out!! It looks like maybe Maysen did know what he was talking about when he said the glue did it to his tongue. I guess we will never know.

What I do know is that I was so relieved to hear that news. My heart wasn't sinking anymore! I could breath again. I never want to have to go through that again and pray that I won't have to.

Later the doctor admitted to me that he had no idea what it was and that it made him very nervous.

I have gained maybe an inkling of an understanding as those who have to actually gone through the nightmare of being told their child is sick with a disease that could take their life but still don't have a clue what it would really be like had I had been told my child had cancer.

It was a good reminder to not take life for granted and tell your loved ones how much you love them often. Squeeze your kids extra hard and extra long!! (Well, my kids are always telling me not to squeeze them so hard because they can't breath but ya know.)

We didn't totally come out of this empty handed though. I have been trying for two years to figure out why Maysen has been having sleeping problems. It has been affecting his life in every way. He is falling way behind in school because of it. (At least that it my opinion of why he is falling behind).

Doctors up to this point have just wanted to put him on sleeping pills and that's really all. I was about to call an ENT myself and have him tested for some things when all of this happened.

We now know that he has a deviated septum, enlarged tonsils and are testing for sleep apnea. Hopefully we will have some answers soon!

Monday, October 6, 2008

Alvin, Simon, Theodore!!!

Okay these are the partial pics of my boys Halloween Costumes. Thanks to my little sis, Kimbie, the are going to look awesome. I had the sweatshirts and everything but she made the fuzzy butts. They are so cute. I can't wait to see the finished product.

The funny thing is the personalities fit my kids perfect!!! Can anyone guess who Alvin is? Anyway, Thanks Kimbie again for doing that.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Evolution of Man!!!

Thank heavens for the evolution of man.



Wednesday, August 13, 2008

A Reunion of Old Friends!!

Thursday night we had a BBQ of some old friends I used to work with at a disabled womens group home. It was a lot of fun to see everyone again. Thanks guys for such a fun night. We definitely need to do that more often than once every decade. Hope to see you all again soon!!

P.S. Amy we missed you but were excited to hear about your night at the police station. Ha Ha!!

Sunday, July 20, 2008

A Walk Down Memory Lane?

I don't usually copy peoples blogs because I feel like I'm not original then but this looks like too much fun to pass up. I copied this from my friend Nat. Here are the rules.

1. As a comment on my blog, leave one memory you and I had together. It doesn't matter if you know me a little or a lot, anything you remember. If we are only blogging buddies, leave a comment about your favorite post of mine.

2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. It's actually pretty funny to see the responses. If you leave a memory about me, I will assume you are playing the game and I will come to your blog and leave one about you. If you don't want to play or don't have a blog, I will leave a memory of you in my comments on my blog. It is fun to see what people remember about you.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Mouth Like a Sailor!!!

You know those days you wish you could just stop....rewind....redo? Well last Saturday was one of those days for me.

I had a church softball game last Saturday. So the first inning starts, Awesome! I made it to home plate. Then we are outfield and I step up to pitch. I pitch and the catcher caught it. Well, just before she threw it back to me, I looked to first and was temporarily blinded by the sun. I turn back just as she throws it to me, only....... I couldn't see where the ball was going. That's okay, I think to myself, I'll just guess where the ball is going. BAD GUESS!!! The ball went right under my mitt and hit me in the mouth. My tooth went through my lip and I knocked a tooth slightly loose, but at the time, this is how it went down in my mind...

It went something like this......

Crap, another hit to the mouth, more stitches and broken teeth, just like in highschool when I had a bad cheerleading accident and caught a girl by myself with my head. I broke her fall and paid for it. That day is still gone from the memory bank because I suffered a pretty severe concussion, broken teeth, and stitches in my lip. I raved like a lunatic all day about weird things and kept asking the same questions over and over again. My brain was spinning.

As you can possibly imagine, after getting hit with the softball on Saturday, that I might be a little frustrated with what possibly may have to be endured, and at that moment, as irrational as my thinking may have been, I lost it. I was peeved and started raving like a lunatic the following: #@%$ it is always my mouth DA#@%T!! I threw my mitt down and left the field.

My loving husband, probably so embarrassed is trying to calm me down saying, "Would you quit acting like I would if this was me?"

After calming down, I realized that I had just acted like an idiot, and wait.... was that a church softball game that I just rattled off a few choice words at? Yip! It was.

At this time, I am thinking maybe it would have been better if I had gotten a concussion out of the deal, at least then, I wouldn't remember raving like a lunatic.

All is good with no broken teeth and a fat lip that is getting better but the moral of this story is....

When you are going to act like an idiot... try to get a concussion first!!!


Monday, June 23, 2008

Coolin it Down!!!

So the long awaited day came for me after two years of waiting... No, I wasn't waiting for a missionary, been there and done my time with that. We now have what modern society likes to call central air. This would have been my third summer running with no A/C and I wasn't havin it any more.

Most of you right now are thinking, "Oh that is great that they can finally afford air conditioning." Not the case. The unit has been sitting on the back patio for a year just waiting to be hooked up. Its called time. The hubby has none especially lately.

We finally broke down and paid someone to hook it up for us and we were so excited to be able to enjoy the cool air. The first day of having it, I was enjoying it thinking no more being hot and what do you know.... the power went out for a couple of hours. Didn't get to enjoy it for very long before it was abrubtly stripped from me again. At least this time it was temporary. I have now been enjoying it for five days. Yay.

Don't tell Brad but now I'm cold all the time and I keep turning the target temperature up. My internal thermostat must be broken..... or I am so used to 90 degrees that I have to adjust to the climate change.

Friday, May 30, 2008

You Turn Me On and I Miss You!!!

Oh how I miss you and need you so.
I sit in the driveway with nowhere to go.

I watch the sun rise and I watch the sun set.
You are the best friend that I've ever met.

You are the only one who holds my only key.
How many days til we find you? One, two , or three?

Please come home safely and please come home soon.
Until I see you again, I will sit and watch the moon.

With Love,


Okay enough with the rhyming. I do have to ask myself today why I don't listen when I am prompted to do something. The little voice in my head yesterday telling me to go get a second key made for the Honda Accord. Did I do it, NO!

Shame on me, now we sit with no key to the Honda with no spare set. Today Logan came and got the keys without my knowledge because he was so sure he had left something in the car.

He says he brought the keys back in and set them on the stairs. I had seven children at my home today being watched and so it is a very good possibility that he did do what he said and one of the babies walked off with the keys and hid them.

After searching for a while, I asked him if he got into the car or just into the trunk. He told me the trunk. I was a little excited at this point thinking he opened the trunk, set them down, and then after looking for whatever it was he was looking for, closed the trunk. Now the only task was getting inside the car to pop the trunk. How do we do that?.....We call the police to break into the car.

The nice officer came and unlocked the car for me and I eagerly pop the trunk to find.........Nothing. The officer yells out before he leaves, " Are they in there?" I reply with a No.
Thanks anyway officer, at least now I can get the carseat and booster out of the car to transfer to the van.

To make things worse, Brad got called into work tonight and goes to start his truck and..... yip, it won't start. It is completely out of gas so he decides to take the van to the Chevron to fill up a can of gas. About ten minutes after he leaves, my phone rings. This was the conversation:

Me: Hello?
Brad: Hey.
Me: Hey.
Brad: Do you know where our other set of keys to the van are?
Me: No, Why?
Brad: I locked the keys in the van.
Me: No, you can't leave the keys in the car and shut the door. (We have a really dumb security system on the van that will lock the door when you go to open it, don't ask me. All the other doors were locked already because they lock automatically after you hit 15mph.)
Brad: Can you look for them while I walk home.
Me: Yeah, sorry I would come bring them to you but, we can't find the keys to the car, and your truck is out of gas.

Brad finally made it home and we were able to find the other set of van keys. Thank heavens. I sure didn't want to be the one to call the police a second time to break into a second car all in the same day.

At least we have one running vehicle with keys to turn it on. As for the keys to the honda, we hope we find you soon.

The moral of the story is: Make sure you always have a second set of keys to every car, you know where they are, and most importantly, listen to the voice in your head when you are prompted to do something. Oh and don't forget, things always happen in three's..... or fours, or fives.

Saturday, May 24, 2008

"Old Faithful!"

Okay, so a couple of days ago, Logan had to go to the bathroom so he went and a few minutes later,ran out of the bathroom completely traumatized. He was crying so hard, he couldn't even talk. I tried to get out of him what was wrong. I asked him if he didn't make it to the toilet and had an accident or if he got hurt. He just said, "No, just come here mom." At this point, I am thinking that I am going to find a mouse, or some huge spider in the bathroom that freaked him out so we walk into the bathroom and what to my dismay.

There was water everywhere but it didn't look like the toilet had overflowed it looked like it was sprayed everywhere. I asked Logan what happened, and he said," The water just sprayed out of the toilet." I then asked him if he even flushed the toilet and he said,"No."
So as I was cleaning it up, I started hearing weird knocking in the walls and the drains were making funny noises. I immediately call Brad and explained that Old Faithful had gone off in our bathroom. He had me check a few things inside the tank and things checked out to be normal. We were just baffled of what had happened.

The next day, our neighbor across the street called Brad and said," I have a strange question for you, did you have some sort of sewer surge yesterday because when I got home all of my toilets were wet and there was water on the floor by them." Brad said," as a matter of fact, Yes" and explained what had happened with Logan.

Our neighbor explained that he had called the city and asked what had happened and it turns out that they were pressurizing one of the man holes on our street and put too much air into the pipe and therefore it caused the sewer surge or "Old Faithful" in the toilets.

Poor Logan. The kid is completely traumatized and refuses to use that toilet even though we explained what had happened. It is sad that our kid is scared of his own house considering he is already scared of our jetted tub as last year, when he was in it and it wasn't completely filled past the jets and he accidentally bumped the button to turn on the jets but didn't know he had bumped the button. He just thought it did it on its own and water sprayed all over the bathroom then. That was a year ago and he still won't use the jetted tub so I'm pretty sure it will be quite a while before he uses the toilet again.

Brads comment was,"Well, I don't think we have to worry about him wanting to become a plumber."

The good thing is that Logan had just gotten off the toilet before it had exploded. I can't imagine what we would be dealing with if he was still sitting on the toilet when it happened but I'm pretty sure it would involve counseling. We love you Logan and hope that you will overcome these issues sometime before you hit puberty.

Its just a good thing when Brad installed the plumbing, he didn't install a

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Under Water!

So Last Saturday, Maysen was baptized and confirmed. Earlier in the week, Trey had been throwing up for four days straight so we were worried that come baptism day, things were going to be crazy. The morning of the baptism, everyone woke up and nobody was throwing up. It was a miracle.

We started getting ready for the baptism and sure enough, a half hour before the baptism, Logan came to me with sunken in eyes and green skin and says," Mom, I don't feel good." Too late to cancel at this point, we went ahead and left.

The baptism was great and I was so proud of Maysen but during the talk portion, I was in the back with a throw up bowl and Logan lying on the bench just in case.

No vomiting occured luckily but it was very hard to get pics. I am trying to round some up from other people so the pics will be to follow.

After the baptism we had a luncheon and Trey still tired and groggy and Logan not feeling good, went and lied down in my bed and went to sleep.

We almost made it the whole day and then when the last two families were left, Trey lost it again. I thought he was done. Yummy!

Later that night, after Logan had gone to bed, he woke up throwing up.

At least we made it through the baptism! Yay!

So to all of you who were invited and came, thank you. I'm sorry if we got you sick!

Saturday, April 26, 2008

The World In HD?

So I recently was watching television and saw a commercial for a product called HD wrap arounds. The way it works, is these sunglass type things wrap around your current prescription glasses. Magically, when you put these wrap arounds on, the world is seen in HD. When I saw this commercial, I had to ask myself, " Isn't HD meant to see things with as much detail as possible?" So my question is, how do you see something that is real, in HD when that is the whole point to HD is to see it in the most detail possible. How do you see anything in more detail than looking at the real thing? Seriously, I thought God was perfect when he created the earth and I didn't think that HD was better than the real thing. So I have included the link to this site so you can see for yourself the difference of the world, and the world in HD. If you ask me, I think it is just the Ambervision company trying to make a comeback. Check it out for yourself.

Monday, April 7, 2008

Loving Your Pet is One Thing..... But Come On!!

Okay so the other day, as we were putting a search in for a certain breed of dog (my husbands thing), we came across this website where you can get products for all your pets needs. Anything from caskets, to urns, to keepsakes, engravings, to headstones, and even funeral services. Do people really do this? I was amazed to see that there are actually pet funeral homes and tiny caskets. I was also intrigued that there were pet cemetaries too? I thought that was just a movie. I know I have never seen one. The prices for these services are so reasonable ranging from $120- $550 per product. So, as I sat and pondered on the many services offered, I thought of you Steve and your poor little doggies that are on their last leg. Now you know how to best care for them as they pass on from this life. The joy they will have knowing that they had the best of love when they left this life. For anyone out there who loves their pet, please let them know that they were loved when they leave this world by giving them the proper burial or have them creamated to always have a piece of them on your mantle. For only the price of an arm and a leg, you too can cherish the memories of your pet.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Friday, March 28, 2008

Tag- You're It!!

Four Jobs I Have Had

1. Receptionist
2. Delivery girl for Airborne Express
3. CNA
4.Medical Transcriptionist

Four Movies I Watch Over and Over

1. Tommy Boy
2. Multiplicity (Pizza Stheve)
3. See Spot Run
4. Mickey Blue Eyes ( forget about id)

Four Places I have Lived

1. Utah
2. Utah
3. Utah
4. Utah

Wow. I really have seen the world huh?

Four T.V. Shows I Watch

1. Moonlight
2. Medium
3. Samantha Who?
4. American Idol

Four Places I have Been

1. Tiajuana, Mexico
2. Vancouver, Canada
3. San Diego, California
4. Dallas, Texas

Okay so I guess I have seen just beyond the edge of our world (No. America)

Four People who Email me regularly

1. Kelly
2. My Mom
3. Austin
4. American Eagle

Four Favorite Things to Eat

1. Spaghetti Factory
2. Reeses Peanut Butter Cups
3. Fresh Fruit
4. Tigers Blood Snow Cones in the Summer

Four Places I'd rather Be

1. In a Size 6 Jeans.
2. On a Pirate Ship with Captain Jack Sparrow
3. At Matthew McCoughnahay's House
4. Riding in the pouch of a Kangaroo (always wanted to do that when I was little.)

Four Things I look Forward to This Year

1. Maysen's Baptism
2. My Ten Year Wedding Anniversary (maybe I'll get a real Honeymoon.)
3. Logan starting Kindergarten.
4. The road while I am driving.

Four People to Tag

1. Kimbie
2. Kelly
3. Steve
4. Mom

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

The Dreaded White Van

So last night, I went out at 9pm with my sister in law to go walking. We were just minding our own business when all of a sudden the dreaded white van that Steve is always talking about slowly drove past us.

At first I thought nothing of it, but then when we were on a completely different street, it drove past again. At this point, I didn't know what to do. There were so many options. Do I toss my wallet away from me or do I run zigzag in case he has a gun? I was totally ready to use my elbow if I needed to and if they would have captured us, I was ready to break out the taillights and stick my arms out and wave them like crazy hoping everyone would see.

Luckily, we made it safely home without any harm. It's probably because we had our pepper spray and my unicorn dog with us. Or maybe it was just Steve in a rental van out to scare all of the women in the neighborhood. I don't really know, you will have to draw your own conclusion.

All I know is that it was a very close call and I was so thankful that we made it home safely.

Monday, March 24, 2008


So I recently learned that the New Kids on the Block are getting back together. What? I mean, does it really work when the boys from a boy band are now 40+ years old? I think that would mean that they are a man band? Right? Who wants to see that? Don't get me wrong, they were great in their time, but now? Guess we will wait and see huh? So if any of you closet NKOTB fans want to register and get on exclusive email lists among other things, I will include the link below.

I wonder what will happen when History repeats itself this time? Here is the link to check it out for yourself.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Hit a Pin and Win

So, I think I officially became eligible to enter the Looney Bin yesterday. Oh wait, I think I became eligible for that a long time ago. It was Logan's birthday and Brad and I were brave and took two 3 year olds, two 4 year olds, two 5 year olds, one 6 year old, one 7 year old, and a baby to the bowling alley. Wow!

Between all the bathroom breaks (seriously one kid every two minutes, some children twice), and the wandering off by the three year old that only wanted to play the arcade games to the children pushing the reset button all the time, to all the kids yelling at once, to Trey walking up other peoples alley,we surprisingly enough got through the occasion with no serious problems.

They had a lot of fun though and 4 year old Hayley won the game with a whopping score of 126. Way to Go Hayley. I think I will try the bumpers next time. Maybe it will improve my game. After three hours of bowling, Pizza, cake and presents, we finally called it quits and drove them all home.

Friday, March 14, 2008

My mom emailed this to me. I thought it was hilarious and thought I would share. Enjoy. Good thing we don't have smellervision. Please ignore the profanity, but this was too funny to pass up sharing it.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Chemical Peel-ing

Okay so lately I have asked myself the question over and over again of why, now that I am 30, and well past the puberty stage, do I start to breakout like a teenager again after a good ten years of keeping my skin relatively clear. Thanks to Accutane (Not, just gave me my scars, and ruined my eyesight among other side effects).

So after spending a lot of money in the past few months on face wash after face wash, I decided to indulge myself by trying something new. Chemical peels. Chemical peels are intended to
get rid of aging spots, improve skin texture, reduce pore size, and tighten the skin among other amazing results.

I set my appointment with Alicia and she came and did a glycolic acid peel, no big deal. Turned out great. A couple weeks later, set up another appointment and Alicia says, " Let's try something stronger". I tell her I am game for anything that is going to help my skin and to be as aggressive as she feels necessary. Here goes nothin.

Aside from the feeling of my skin burning off, I am still excited to get rid of my bad skin. Besides how bad could it be? Right?

Well, the first day I was a little red, and the second day............. Well, this is how I felt and looked.

At this point, I am running scared because my skin was so tight from the chemical peel, that I couldn't smile and it was starting to wrinkle up. Then I notice, oh it is starting to peel so I think, like a mask peel, its going to peel off like after a sunburn turns to a tan right? So I go to peel a little bit off my forehead, and pretty much my whole dang forehead came off. Totally raw underneath and very painful.

At that point, I am thinking that I am doomed and my face will be like this forever and that I am going to have to start wearing an ugly bag over my head and go throughout life. I would probably just use one from our Scout skit or something. Desperate, I call Alicia's cell phone to tell her my horror story and get only her polite voicemail telling me,"I can't promise I will call you back, but you are welcome to leave a message." Of course I leave a message and hang up the phone.

I am too impatient at this point to wait for her to call me back, so I call a girl that used to work on my brothers skin and talked to her about the situation.

She told me that the skin had been peeled off prematurely and I would have to wait for it to tighten up again and dry out, but to let it peel on its own, in its own time. She told me I would reap great rewards for waiting it out for a few rough days.

So, will I go through this experience again, ABSOLUTELY. If it will clear up my skin, I will do anything, as torturous as it may be. Bring it on.

So, if Michele Pfiefer can go from this....

to this.......then there has got to be some hope for me right? In the meantime, please, as hard as it may be, refrain from asking me weird questions such as: Oh, are you the leper who never got healed, or what the @*$! happened to your face?

It's okay to laugh at me, just keep it inside. After all, I would probably laugh if it happened to someone else.

P.S. Michele, what is your secret?? Chemical peel or a Shooting Star's heart? Please be truthful.

Friday, March 7, 2008

From the Mouths of Babes (Part 2)

Bringin back the memories of Maysen's infancy. This is exactly how it was all day, every day for a year. He went through nine or ten outfits a day, and I went through two to three.

From the Mouths of Babes (Part 1)

So I was going back and reading out of the journals I started for each of my kids when they were little of little funny things that they say or cute things they do. Yes, I am now two or three years behind so I need to be better. I was laughing at some of the different things that my kids have said and wanted to share one or two with you.

A few years back, when Maysen was probably 4 years old, he was in the back seat of the car and my little brother had asked me to take his friend Steve home. All the way there in the car, Maysen kept staring at Steve. I kind of wondered what was up with that.

After Steve got out of my car, Maysen asked my little brother if that was Steve. My brother, Austin, replied, "Yes." Maysen then proceeded to ask, "If that is Steve, then where is side table drawer.?" My little brother's friend Steve was wearing a green striped t-shirt with two different shades of green and had dark hair. He looked a lot like Steve from Blue's Clues. I could see how a 4 year old could be confused by that.

Another time, Brad was trying to leave for work when Logan jumped out in front of the door and said,"No, you can't go to work, you have to stay home with us." Brad told him that he wished he could stay home with us but he had to go to work. Logan then proceeded to get his mean face on (those of you that know him well, know which face I am talking about) and said, "Dad, do you wanna piece of me?" I guess children really do repeat what they hear as Brad and I joke in that manner a lot.

Okay, I just edited this post because I originally wasn't going to post this next story as I would not want to offend anyone reading it. After some thinking, I decided that I would take that risk and post it anyway.

About three years ago, Maysen said something and referred to his chest as breasts. I then explained that women had breasts and men had pecks. He then said," So Aubrey's mom next door has pecks right?" I reminded him again that women had breasts not pecks. He got really upset and said, " NO she doesn't mom, she has pecks. There is nothing there and her chest is flat like mine. She has pecks."

So to all you women out there who are flat chested, sorry. Okay, let's be truthful, no I'm not. Besides it can be just as hard to have the exact opposite problem.

Monday, March 3, 2008

Just another Day in Paradise?

So the day began as any other day. The sun shining in through the windows and the sound of birds chirping to awaken you from a full, restful night of sleep. NOT!

Waking up to a child shaking you saying "Mom I"m hungry, after a night of one child in your bed laying the wrong way kicking you and your husband out of the bed giving you only a small sliver of space to sleep, or better yet , making you sleep at the other end, or move out to the couch.

So I started into the normal ritual of life and got the toddler a yogurt. I set him up to the table to eat it. I still had not had time to take a potty break for myself yet so I decide to indulge myself for that two minutes of pure serenity in the bathroom. (If you count the other child pounding on the door the whole time serenity.) I was gone for two minutes, TWO MINUTES. What the.....

I came back to a child who had climbed off his chair, went into the office and was flinging yogurt all over everything, including the Dog.

Okay, I say to myself, just let it go and move on with your day, and as I am cleaning it up, yip you guessed it, he was off on another venture.

With Marker in hand, he drew a masterpiece on one of the doors in the house. Can anyone say "Terrible Two's"?
So I put him in time out but I really don't think he cared much.
Seriously, what happened to my sweet, sweet baby? He's got to be in there somewhere right?

By this time I'm thinking of how worn out I am and was thinking it's okay, the day is almost over. Oh what, it's only 10:00 A.M. Aw Crap! Well, the day can't get much worse than this right? Wrong! As the day wore on, we had plenty of tantrums, some big, some little.

By the time the day was nearing its end, I decide to go to my sisters to have her color my hair. Maybe this will help with my sanity. Bad idea. The kids had full reign of the house and sure enough, halfway through the color, we have to rinse it out and head to the Instacare as the toddler has cut his head and has a huge hematoma the size of Texas above his right eye. I actually think it was also the shape of Texas as whatever he hit his head on, engraved the shape of that object into his head.

Luckily, he didn't need stitches after all but my hair was in serious need of some desperate help. I wasn't about to walk around with half my head colored for much longer so I talk my sister into letting me come over after my hubby was home and the kids sound asleep.

I did get the pampering I needed and much deserved after the day I had just endured. Too bad in order to get the pampering I needed, I had to do it at midnight. Oh well, I'll take it when I can get it.

I finally get home and to sleep by 3:00 A.M. just to be up in 3 1/2 hours to do it all again.

To all you moms out there, keep up the good work, and always remember "And this too shall Pass".You are doing a great job!!

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Six Quirky Things -Tagged

Okay so I don't know how many of you will think I am off my rocker when I get done telling you my six quirky things but Oh well, here goes nothin.

1- I don't know if there is anyone out there who will understand this. My husband and I were high school sweethearts, and I waited ( not completely faithfully by the way) for him on his mission. So by the time we got married, we had already been together for five years, if you count the mission time. Well, we thought we knew everything about each other but apparently he didn't know me as well as he thought he did. The first week of living together, I was getting ready for work, and he asked me what I was doing. I told him I was getting ready for work. He proceeded by saying, then why are you turning your clothes from right side out to wrong side out and then right side out again. I looked at him and as if it was normal said, "Uh, checking my clothes for spiders, as I thought this was a normal thing." Yes, to this day, I still have to check my clothes for spiders before I put them on. It hasn't been as bad since I have been paying the bug man five times a year at a whopping $67 dollars a time, just so I can feel at ease as I swore last summer that the black widow I found in my house was hairy with fangs and was staring at me with huge green eyes and taunting me by peering over the windowsill. I finally sprayed him with Lysol with bleach and he died.

2- When I open a package of anything such as bologna, bread, and other such products, I cannot, for some reason take the first one. I have to remove the first item in the bag and then take the next one. On the bread, I am not just talking about the end piece, I actually have to dig in two or three slices before I will eat it. I don't know why but what do ya do?

3- My husband tells me that I annoy him when I answer the phone, that I answer it the same no matter who is calling. I don't know if I agree with him totally but I do know what he is talking about. Despite his crowing rooster ring, knowing full well it is him calling, I still proceed with a polite "Hello" like I am answering a strangers call. Guess I need to work on this so the next time any of you call and I answer with a "What Up?" you will know why.

4- I have to agree with Amy on this one. I have to drink bottled water because to me tap water is the nastiest thing in the world. And Amy, the reason it tastes like poison, is because it is actually poison as it is tainted with arsenic ( rat poison). Disgusting. People try to say that it is such a trace amount that it won't hurt but I beg to differ.

5- Okay, at night before I go to bed, I always ask my husband if he locked the house and he says yes. I continue to lay in bed for a few minutes before getting up. He always says, "You just have to check for yourself don't ya?" Sorry hon
ey, it's not that I don't trust you, its just that I will lay there and have anxiety until I know it for myself. Guess it's just a little bit, okay, maybe a lot of my OC issues.

6- Okay, I am really starting to worry that you all now think I am card short of a deck of cards, or one hammer short of a tool set, or whatever you want to call it but for some reason, whenever I am going to leave my house, it's like my bladder calls out saying it needs to be emptied. It doesn't matter if I just went to the restroom or not. It's like a signal is sent to my bladder and all of a sudden it is full again. Don't ask me but it drives my hubby crazy. So the moral of the story is, Don't leave your house without emptying your bladder, Okay, at least in my case.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Just gettin' Started!

"Hey Logan...this mud is REALLY moisturizing!"

Logan Drama..."No Maysen! I don't like that brand!"

"What? It's "Au Naturelle...fresh from the bad..."

SO this is my first time on you can call me a virgin if you want. In that case, I guess the Stork must have brought my three boys then. Kelly got me to do this blog thing. I told her I was going to like this much better than Myspace and Facebook. I'm sure I'll add some things that might be interesting at one point or another, but for now, this is it. So Take it or Leave it! I am just going to add these few photos of my boys taken in Washington, June of '06. I love them and had to share them. For those of you who know me, you will understand the drama...with my kids' personalities...ENJOY!